We source our floral materials locally whenever possible, and have the good fortune to have so much local and in-state product to work with. My longstanding relationships with growers and wholesalers means we have access to the freshest, most interesting floral materials available throughout the seasons.
During my 30 years in the event industry, I've also established strong partnerships with other top-quality vendors. Here is my list of recommended event professionals:
Laurel's Catering, www.laurelscatering.com
Misti Layne Photography, www.mistilayne.com
Richard Mayer Photography, www.mayerphoto.com
Jim Vetter Photography, www.vetterphotography.com
Vicens Forns, www.vicensforns.com
Cake Couquette, www.cakecoquette.com
Krumb’s Cakes, www.krumbscakes.com
Robin Lewis, www.makeithappenweddings.com
Maxine Andrew, www.insteadofyou.com